6 Times a Day

Chapter 602 Hotness Overloaded. ![DD SPONSORED]

๏ปฟDrunk Dargon Special ๐Ÿ‰ [ 9 / 20 ]


In contrast to the previous weekly poker parties where he'd dressed up, Alan chose to wear only his typical T-shirt and shorts. That was a power move to show Brenda that she (and the others) dressed to the nines to please him while he didn't have to make any effort to dress up for her.

As Alan walked down the stairs towards the living room, he had a rough idea that he'd see women playing cards in various states of undress. But once he got there and witnessed the actuality, the sight exceeded his expectations. He thought, Dang! It's like the female cast of Baywatch is playing strip poker, but these women are even hotter than those TV stars.

But what pleased him most was to see Brenda again. As he stepped into the living room, he was careful not to sound too eager, so he said, "Hi, Brenda. How've you been?"

She already had her top pulled down enough to expose her pointy nipples. She felt proud to show off her fantastic body to Alan, but she was very embarrassed about it too. Her face turned red and she was momentarily struck speechless by his arrival.

Alan thought, Damn! Holy fuck! She is seriously stacked! Of course I knew that already, but seeing her like this, with her boobs presented as if on a platter, it's like getting punched in the stomach. It's such a WOW feeling. She's way more endowed than even Mom or Aunt Suzy! I mean, I knew that already, but seeing it like this... WOW!

However, he successfully hid his enthusiasm. Mindful of Suzanne's advice, he was very careful to act as if what he saw was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, after his initial glance, he made a point of only looking at her face, at least for the moment.

Brenda, by contrast, was utterly failing in her attempt to act "normal" and "cool" around him. She stammered, "Alan?! What are you doing here? Suzanne, I thought you said the game would be just us girls!" She bashfully covered her chest with her arms, an act made nearly pointless by the sheer size of her boobs. Her tit flesh bulged out everywhere around her fingers.

She hadn't fooled anyone with her act of being bothered by Alan's arrival. In fact, she was already so aroused that she was speaking to his crotch, unable to take her eyes off the huge bulge she saw there, which seemed ready to burst free of his shorts.

Suzanne said, "I thought Sweetie would be too busy with his homework to join us, but it looks like he's finished."

Alan correctly picked up her hidden message to follow up on what she'd said.

"Yeah, I just finished my homework, so I'd be delighted to join in or just sit back and watch. Whatever suits you ladies best."

"I'm sure you would," Brenda said in a complaining tone of voice. "But I don't want a young man ogling my body. I've already lost my top!" Her supposed reluctance was almost comical, because she didn't realize how her lusty desire was written on her face.

He sat down to watch the game anyway, incredibly aroused by the whole scene. "Well then, Brenda, you should play better to make sure you don't lose more clothing."

As far as the game was going, at that point Brenda had actually done fairly well compared to the others. She'd only lost once. After much joking encouragement, she elected to expose her long nipples since they were begging to be freed of their constraints anyway.

In contrast, Susan and Katherine were already topless, Amy had her dress off, leaving both her tits and ass uncovered, and Suzanne had her dress bunched up around her stomach, covering nothing of strategic importance. (However, her pussy was hidden from most eyes by the table, provided she remained sitting.)

Brenda continued to try to present a bold front, attempting to hide her strong feelings for Alan. So she replied, "That's easy for you to say. This is so embarrassing! Would you look at this? I'm not even partially covered up. You can see my nipples, and my breasts are jiggling all over the place!"

But in fact, her rather feeble attempt to act outraged turned into an opportunity to show off her partial nudity. She moved her arms away from her chest so Alan could see exactly what she meant. "I might as well get it over with. It's not like I can play cards all evening with my hands over my chest. Damn." She picked up her cards, no longer trying to block his view of her monstrous rack.

Alan thought, Nice, Brenda, nice. I can't wait until I'm pounding Alan Junior through THAT bottomless cleavage. She's so fucking STACKED! Wow. I wonder if I should take my dick out right now to give it some air. Or maybe even get someone to tend to it like they did during the fashion show.

Nah. Not yet. That would probably freak out Brenda this early in the evening, not to mention who knows how Mom would react. Would she scream in protest, or demand to take charge of the stroking? There's no telling with her lately, before she gets seriously horny. No, it's better to hold off a bit until everyone is even more hot and bothered. I'm sure I'll be enjoying a lot of stroking and sucking before the night is over. Patience, my Padawan, patience.

So he said, "Brenda, it's no big deal. Look around. Everyone is topless or more. No big whoop."

He was playing her perfectly, because the more he ignored her, the more she wanted him. To be ignored or even to have to compete for attention was an almost unprecedented experience for her, ever since she'd developed her outlandish rack as a young girl.

Brenda's plan to act cool and collected didn't last long. Within minutes of his arrival, she started to overtly flirt with him. But that didn't earn her his exclusive attention, even when she used her bare tits as a lure. After a few more minutes had passed, she saw him blatantly stare at Suzanne, which made her envious - she wanted that to stop. She cupped her tits with both hands and lifted them, sheepishly smiling in his direction. That got his undivided attention, but only for a while.

Susan wanted Alan to be looking at her, so she stood up and asked if anyone wanted more to drink. In fact, that was just an excuse to get her exposed rack bouncing. She rocked back and forth on her high heels, deliberately causing her pendulous breasts to sway and rock around in circles.

Alan, predictably, sat mesmerized at his mother's blatant tit show, not to mention the fact that her pussy was on view as well.

Brenda reclaimed his attention by raising a hand to her head, lifting her chest and jiggling her tits. She smirked in triumph.

But she didn't hold his attention for long, because Katherine said something and gave him a smoldering look that made him shift his focus to her.

So Brenda had to resort to greater and greater extremes. Soon she started overtly playing with her nipples, just to win more of his attention. She tried to justify this to herself by pretending that she was drunk, although in reality she wasn't even tipsy.

Susan, meanwhile, continued with her tit show, now finding herself very irritated by Brenda's larger rack. She'd thought that she'd gotten over that, but realized that she hadn't. Now she and Brenda were in direct competition for Alan's attention, each primarily using their fantastic bust, so it was only natural that their competitive instincts would come to the fore.

Soon there was so much jiggling going on that Alan joked, "I don't know what it is, but all of a sudden I'm feeling very hungry for some Jell-O."

Amy cupped one of her tits and asked, "Would you like some milk with that?"

Everyone laughed, but it also reminded Alan of Amy's inspired milk incident earlier that evening, and also of the fantasy of breast-feeding from his mother's chest, as Amy no doubt knew it would. Alan was surprised, since Amy wasn't known for saying such things. But he was also pleased, and became very aroused when he imagined Amy pregnant and lactating.

When it was time to deal the next hand, Alan joined in.

It seemed that Brenda's luck vanished as soon as he started to play. Perhaps her mind was too preoccupied by his presence, or she was too busy modeling her body in sexy poses for his benefit. A part of her wanted to lose on purpose, to help her win the "titty war" of attention. But a part of her was afraid of losing more clothes, mostly due to the presence of Amy and Katherine.

For whatever reason, she lost the next three hands in a row, so she had to take off both her gloves and then what remained of her top.

She made a big protest out of each loss, although she was secretly loving it. In the end all that remained was the narrow strip of fabric that covered portions of her crotch and ass.

She made a fuss about her losses. "Susan, what am I going to do if I keep losing? How long will it be before he sees me completely naked?"

Alan asked, "Aren't you completely naked already?" He wasn't able to see her lower body, due to the table being in the way.

"No, I'm not. See?" She stood up to show that she was wearing just the bottom part of her black outfit. It covered little more than a typical pair of panties. One could already see rivulets of cum sliding down her inner thighs.

She clutched at her immense boobs and subtly moved them a little bit. "It's just not fair. You should have warned me that he'd be playing." She reluctantly sat back down.

Susan loved Brenda's appearance of distress, even though she could tell it was at least partly a pose. "Tell me about it! There's not much we can do; he's the man of the house now. I find myself naked and humiliated by him on a daily basis. You might as well get used to it too. It seems to be something that especially happens to big-breasted women, so you probably don't stand a chance."

Brenda didn't reply to that, but she found it strangely arousing. Susan's right! I don't stand a chance. Before the night is over, I'll be naked and kneeling, slurping on Alan's fat cock! No, wait! As much as I'd love for that to happen, I can't be too easy or he won't want me for anything more than an occasional quick suck or fuck. I want him to fucking OWN me! Wait, did I really just say that? Scratch that. But I need to be one of his personal cocksuckers, at least!please visit panda-:)ษดแดแด แด‡1.co)m

Besides, do I really want to do something so utterly humiliating in front of four other women? Okay, don't answer that. I'm too horny already! I can't think straight! I need to shut up, stop thinking, stop flirting, and just play these cards.

Susan lost the next hand, so she raised her dress to expose her ass. The dress still covered her crotch, but not much else. Now that Alan was there, she and the other women, except Brenda, had quietly switched to a tactic of deliberately losing. The only reason that Brenda hadn't done the same was that she was still feeling highly conflicted.

Brenda lost the next hand and had to expose her ass. She was so nervous that she just pulled her black formal thong down below her ass without getting up for anyone to see what she was doing. Of course, that pulled it down in front as well, so that it still barely clung to her pussy while revealing part of her bush.

Suzanne said, "Hold on. Time out. Brenda, how do we even know you did anything? I can't see a change from here."

Amy was sitting next to Brenda. She did a quick visual check and reported, "Mom, it's cool. Her ass is bare now."

Suzanne replied, "Still, it doesn't count unless Alan can see it. Brenda, stand up and show him."

"Do I have to?" Brenda was blushing, already on the verge of cumming.

"You do."

Brenda reluctantly stood up. She covered her tits with her arms, even though that wasn't where the group's focus was. She turned so Alan and the others could take a good look at her bare ass.

Suzanne said, "Not good enough. First off, what are you doing with your hands over your tits? Put them on your head!"

"Do I-"

Suzanne interrupted her, "If you ask 'do I have to' one more time, Alan's going to spank you like you've never been spanked before! Or I'll do it myself."

Brenda put her hands on her head with startling speed. This spanking talk redoubled her arousal, causing her to breathe heavily, which in turn caused her uncovered tits to start waltzing around on her chest.

But her humiliation wasn't over. Suzanne added, "As for your... whatever you call it, that black thong that was covering your ass, it's not all the way off. Brenda, I've changed my mind. Bend over and grab your ankles. Alan, Sweetie, please do the honors and pull it down a little lower."

Brenda gasped. Oh no! Please, no! But she wanted him to touch her more than she didn't. When she bent over as ordered she was dizzy with extreme lust.

Alan was very happy to get up and "help" with the situation. He brazenly put both hands on Brenda's bare ass cheeks and then asked Suzanne, "How far should I pull it down?"

Brenda immediately complained, "He's touching my butt!"

Suzanne shrugged. "So what? Don't you remember last time, when he 'measured' you all over, including your ass? Anyway, Sweetie, I leave it up to you."

Alan just stood there and fondled Brenda's ass cheeks for another minute or two while everyone else watched. Then, finally, he yanked her black thong down about three more inches, just enough for it to barely still cling to the very bottom of her pussy lips on the front side. He said, "That should do it," and gave Brenda a friendly smack on her ass as he walked away.

Brenda's face had been turning redder and redder, and she was clenching her teeth with her eyes shut tight as she struggled not to cum. She thought she was finally in the clear - just barely - but then he gave her that final ass smack. That pushed her over the edge, due to her spanking fetish.

She quickly sat back down, now that she was allowed to again, then bent forward with her big boobs resting on the table, to hide her lower body as much as possible. Then, with her teeth still clenched and her eyes closed, she had an orgasm. It was fairly quiet, which was remarkable given how aroused she was. It helped that a collection of lively Motown 60s hits was playing at the time.

She didn't know if anyone else had noticed her orgasm; in fact, they all had. But no one let on, so she hoped that she'd gotten away with it. She forced herself to get back to playing the card game right away, even though she was still reeling and flying high.

She thought, Shit! That was fucking frightening! I suppose I'm lucky I got away with just a little ass feel that time. But what about next time?! The night is young! If only the others weren't watching, I'd let him do anything to me that he wanted. But, please, not in front of a crowd!

Then it was Suzanne's turn to lose. All her private parts were already exposed, with her outfit bunched around her waist, so the only thing left was to take it off completely.

She loved to ham things up, so she prolonged the removal, mostly for Alan's benefit. When she finally did get it off, she made it look as if the act itself had given her an intense orgasm.

The sight of Suzanne struggling to get her clothes over her head and the inevitable tit jiggling that followed took Alan's breath away.

pฮฑะฟdฮฑ ะ™แดฮฝรช|,ัรฒะœ He thought, I've lost count of how many times I've stopped breathing in sheer awe tonight, and I've only been sitting here a short while. This has got to be the greatest five sets of tits ever put together in one place. I swear to God!

Suzanne had left her shirt for last. So after she took it off, Brenda said, "You're completely naked now. Does that mean the game is over?"

Suzanne replied, "Of course not, unless we all want it to be. Does anyone want it to end?"

A long silence indicated that there were no takers for that idea.

Ever since Alan had arrived, Brenda had been trying to use her "hard to get" approach, so she felt obliged to say something. "I suppose I can't quit now and ruin the game for everybody." That was a pretty feeble excuse, and in fact she was the most eager of all to keep going, which was saying a lot. She covered up the ensuing awkward silence by asking Suzanne, "So what happens if you lose again?"

"The usual rules," the pale beauty replied, as if those were obvious to everyone. "If all of the clothes are gone, the person with the highest hand gets to pick a dare for the person with the lowest hand to do. The winner can't be part of the dare in any way. Didn't you ever play strip poker when you were younger?"

"No. I got busty at a young age and kept growing, so my parents kept me on a very tight leash." Brenda was wistful at that reminder of all the fun she'd missed out on in her youth.

Katherine said mischievously, "Your parents kept you on a tight leash, eh? Mom, did you hear that? Sounds like an excellent suggestion to me. Now you know what I want for my birthday - a tight leash so I can be ordered around naked on all fours!" She giggled.

Brenda felt as if a sharp shock had been delivered straight to her pussy when she imagined Alan holding her leash and walking her around like a pet. She actually felt her nipples tingle as she imagined them brushing lightly against the carpet. But then she caught herself. No! I can't think like that; that's wrong! Even Susan would think I'm weird. I've gotta hold it together!

Susan chastised her daughter, "All right, Angel, I think that's quite enough joking." To the group, she asked, "Are you all sure we should keep this game going, after comments like that?"

"That's what your boundaries are for, Susan," Suzanne pointed out. "We all respect your boundaries. Are you willing to respect them too, Brenda?"

"Of course." Brenda wanted to keep the game going so she could get Alan to want her, not to mention the fact that she was having so much lusty fun. She believed that Alan must be attracted to her - she'd yet to meet a straight man who wasn't - but she remained frustrated that he seemed able to resist her ample charms, and she was planning on changing that.

She thought, He's not like ordinary guys. I need to be patient and step up my game. Most of all, I can't appear too needy! Normal, cool, and calm, that's the plan. If I play my cards right, who knows? I could wind up in his bedroom with my lips tightly sealed around his great cock! He might even fuck me all night long!

Suzanne said, "Okay then, let's continue. Unless you don't want to, Susan?"

Susan was silent, but briefly blushed. Despite her protestations, her pussy was pulsing. Her mouth could complain all she wanted to, but her pussy wasn't going to let her end the game. Furthermore, her breasts were also being very insistent that they wanted the game to continue. She didn't have particularly long nipples - that was another thing of Brenda's that she was jealous about - but her areolae crinkled and her nipples stood out about as long as they'd ever been.

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