6 Times a Day

Chapter 645 Susan And Suzanne Having Fun.! [Iveyflame Sponsored]

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A couple of minutes later, the two bikini-clad bombshells got into the bubbly water of Suzanne's hot tub.

As soon as Susan was submerged to her waist, she said eagerly, "So... spill the beans already!"

Suzanne chuckled. "I have to say, your attitude on this subject seems to have changed quite a lot. When we discussed it here just a couple of days ago, the entire topic was almost too embarrassing for you to mention. What changed?"

Susan smiled, but uncomfortably. "You're right. I even asked you if... anal sex... 'was a thing.' But since then, I've thought about it, and... I've decided that my body belongs to my son. My ENTIRE body... so that includes my ASS! Now, if he actually fucks me, you know, full intercourse, that's a sin and a crime, but I can't say the same about taking him in my ass now, can I? That's not really incest, is it?"

"Of course not," Suzanne said firmly, as if there was no question about the matter. Actually, she was a bit surprised that Susan felt that way, and chalked it up to Susan's near-total lack of knowledge about anal sex.

Susan sat back with a great exhaling breath. "Phew! What a relief! That's what I thought. I talked about it some with Brenda this morning, when she came over but after you left. She hasn't done it yet herself, but she's all in favor. She's really smart, you know. I had some religious objections, but she shot them all down."

Suzanne mulled that over. "Did she? Hmmm. That's interesting. What else did she say about it?"

"Her main point was that if my body belongs to my Tiger, and if I've dedicated myself to serving him sexually, then how can I deny him my ass? What kind of fuck toy am I if I don't let him fuck me there too? Furthermore, not only should I let him do it, but I need to change my attitude so I'll crave it and even demand it."

Suzanne grinned. "Sounds to me like she makes some good points."

"I know! But that's the problem. That's all well and good in theory, but reality is another matter." She didn't want to admit that she'd spied on pretty much the entire anal sex session between Alan and Suzanne yesterday, so she lied, "I looked it up on-line the other day, and I saw some pictures and whatnot. It LOOKS really yucky, and it's a terribly wanton and taboo thing to do. I just don't know."

Suzanne knew about Susan's spying, but she pretended not to. She suspected Susan wasn't just lying about what she saw, but also how she felt, so she pressed, "You say it looks 'really yucky,' but didn't it also look strangely appealing? I'm assuming you could see the woman's face in some of these pictures. Didn't it look like she was experiencing great pleasure?"

"Yes. It looked like you were quite carried away. Er, I mean, uh, she was."

Suzanne had to stifle a snicker. She found it very endearing that Susan was such a terrible liar. It wasn't that Susan was stupid; she was such a good and moral person that she was almost physically incapable of lying. "Well then, what's yucky about that?"

"Everything!" Susan sighed heavily. "Oh dear me. I don't know. Am I way off base here? You've told me time and time again that incest is only putting the penis in the vagina. So, if Tiger wants to bugger my ass, how can I tell him no?"

Oh, this is going to be such fun! Suzanne had to resist the urge to rub her hands together and cackle with glee.

"You can't," Suzanne replied in her same confident tone. "You have no say in the matter. Brenda was right when she said that your entire body belongs to him. So you'd better get up to speed, because he might want to plow your ass at any time." She struggled to keep a straight face as she lowered the boom on her best friend. "It's only proper."

"I KNOW!" Susan said, her eyes bulging to show how emphatic her emotions were. "It's scary! Very scary! That hole is just so gross to me. I mean, poo! Need I say more?!"

Suzanne smiled indulgently at that. "I know what you mean. But really, it's not so bad. Look at it this way: just because that hole can be dirty some of the time doesn't mean that it has to be dirty all of the time. You can keep yourself so thoroughly clean back there that it could literally smell like a rose. Of course, some perfume would help with that. You could make it so clean, fragrant, and tempting that you'd be willing to lick it."

Susan made a face. "Ewww! No thank you! Never! I have my limits, even with Tiger. But enough of this talk. What happened yesterday?! How did you feel? Was it good as it looked?" She lamely lied to cover her mistake, "Er, compared to the pictures I saw, I mean." But she finished with a heartfelt, "I'm dying to know!"

"Okay, but what else did Brenda have to say?"

"She strongly suggested that I talk to you and learn about all the practical details, so I don't worry so much."

Suzanne grinned widely. "Turns out she is quite a clever one then." She chuckled at that self-flattering joke. "So what questions do you have for me then?"

"We can talk about practicalities later. First, I want the full story about last night!"

Suzanne teased, "Don't you want to know what I did for most of the day?"

"No! Later, maybe. Please, don't torture me!" Susan didn't care about Suzanne's day since Suzanne had told her in the morning that she had a bunch of "boring business stuff" to do.

Suzanne finally got around to telling Susan about her first anal sex experience with Alan from the night before. She surmised that Susan had seen and heard most or all of it, but she wanted to tell such an engaging account that Susan would be able to get a sense of how good it felt too. So she focused on describing just how much she loved it and how pleasurable it felt. Because she really did have a great time and had some intense orgasms, she wasn't tempted to lie, although she did exaggerate at times with the details.

Since Suzanne knew just how to push Susan's buttons, Susan was reduced to a quivering mass of unbridled lust and desire before too long.

Not surprisingly, Susan's bikini-clad globes floating in the water were a focus of her pleasure, since they were so super sensitive. However, Susan didn't feel free to fondle herself there since Suzanne could see her, and besides she was still trying to adhere to the "no sex at the Pestridge house" rule (not counting the temporary exception for the topic of their discussion).

The natural thing for Susan to do would have been to play with her pussy, since that was far enough underwater that Suzanne couldn't easily see what was happening there. And she did furtively rub her clit through her bikini bottoms, at first. But the more Suzanne raved about anal sex, the more Susan got to thinking about her ass. She grew extremely curious as to just how sensitive she was back there. Then it occurred to her that one of the jets shooting more water into the tub was right behind her. As Suzanne kept on talking, Susan furtively shifted her position until the jet was blasting directly against her ass crack.

That certainly felt good, but it wasn't enough to satisfy her sudden anal fixation. So, a couple of minutes later, Susan surreptitiously reached back and pulled her bikini bottoms to the side so the jet of water was firing directly at her ass crack.

That felt much better, and increased her anal desire. Soon thereafter, she casually shifted her arm positions so she could hold her ass cheeks apart and fully expose her tightly clenching anus to the blast of bubbly water.


"What?" Suzanne asked.

Susan was startled, and then realized that Suzanne was looking at her funny in response to her unexpected yelp. Susan got very nervous, and frantically tried to remember the last thing Suzanne was talking about. Luckily for her, she had been paying partial attention, and the talk was arousing. (That was no surprise, since everything Suzanne said was pretty much specifically designed to further arouse Susan.)

"Um," Susan said, stalling for time. "I was just, uh, reacting to what you were saying. It's so hot! You know, how you were, uh, squeezing his big cock with such force and strength. Wow, you must have really been driving him delirious with all your talented moves." She was proud of herself, because that was something Suzanne had just been talking about.please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"Yeah," Suzanne smirked. And I'm sure your weird little yelp had nothing to do with the way you're sitting right on top of one of the jets and holding your ass cheeks open wide. Riiiight! Susan wasn't nearly as successful at being sneaky as she thought she was, especially with Suzanne. Even Susan's body was a terrible liar, since Suzanne could read her face (and even her body movements) like a book. Plus, Suzanne knew all about the jets. When she'd purchased the hot tub, she'd even made sure to buy one with the jets that were placed for the best masturbation potential. In fact, she was secretly using the jets on her own ass as she talked.

Thinking that she'd dodged a bullet, Susan went back to experimenting with the jet on her ass while listening to the rest of Suzanne's anal sex story. Between the words and the direct stimulation, Susan had never been so anally aroused in her life. It was all so exciting for her that she began to put all her worries aside and focus on how enjoyable anal sex could be.

Suzanne spent more time describing the anal sex with Alan than the time the sex act had actually taken in the first place. The more aroused Susan got, the more Suzanne waxed grandiosely about the "power" and "domination" of Alan's "massive cock" on (and in!) Suzanne's "defenseless, helpless ass."

Susan loved every word, and since she'd seen what Suzanne was describing with her own eyes, she could put precise images to the words, heightening her arousal even more. So she was very sad when Suzanne finally came to the end of her account. The only frustration Susan had was that she felt like her entire body was aflame with lust and arousal, but she hadn't climaxed yet and she wasn't even close to climaxing.

This led her to ask questions about anal pleasure. From there, she peppered Suzanne with all kinds of anal sex questions, just as Brenda had suggested her to do.

Suzanne gently clued her in, with a focus on the kind of practical information and precautions Susan would need if she were really to have anal sex. However, there was one question that Suzanne couldn't easily answer: just how much pleasure would Susan really get from anal sex?

Finally, Suzanne decided that she'd answered all of Susan's other important questions. Plus, Susan was still extremely aroused, but she might not stay at that erotic plateau much longer. So she commented, "You know, you keep asking in different ways if you're built for anal sex or not. Sure, you might get a vague idea by blasting a jet of water on your asshole or something like that. But to really know, you need to probe... deeper. Don't use the vibrator Brenda got you. You've gotta work up to that size. I recommend first trying a small dildo... or someone else's finger or two."

Suzanne was having a little fun by "innocently" mentioning the jet of water, and sure enough, Susan blanched in just about the most guilty and revealing way possible. But Suzanne played dumb, although the whole thing secretly amused her.

Suzanne had set the hook, and soon enough, Susan shyly asked for her help in finding out how anally sensitive she was. Of course, Suzanne was only too happy to help.

They had to get out of the hot tub waters for sanitary reasons, but they were both so excited that they took up their positions right next to the tub, with their naked bodies glistening with dripping water. (Suzanne had been secretly playing with herself just as much as Susan had, and she'd aroused herself with her own story as well, so they were both nearly equally hot and bothered.)

Susan lay face down on a big white towel placed on the redwood deck, with another one folded up into a pillow under her hips. Her face and tummy were on the towel, but her ass was up in the air so Suzanne could have easy access to it. Suzanne also had Susan close her eyes, and before long, Susan completely forgot that she was outside.

pΞ±ΠΏdΞ± ЙᴏνΓͺ|,сòМ Suzanne considered going inside to get some anal dildos, but she didn't want to risk losing the mood due to any sort of delay. Besides, she figured the next step Susan would be most at ease with was if she used her fingers, so that's what she did. After all, she knew Susan had fingered Alan's anus, so Susan at least had experienced that from the reverse perspective.

Since Suzanne knew how to push Susan's buttons, she told her to imagine that it was Alan behind her, playing with her ass. Then she kept talking to her like she really was Alan. Not surprisingly, that kept Susan at a fever pitch of excitement, even when Suzanne slowly and carefully inserted a single finger into Susan's anus.

It became clear soon enough, to both of them, that Susan had the capacity for a lot of anal pleasure, because just the finger insertion sent shivers and tingles all throughout her body. This immediately improved Susan's "anal confidence," and greatly increased her willingness to try out anal sex with Alan.

However, Susan also immediately and reflexively tensed up from feeling this unfamiliar anal invasion, and her muscles clamped down tightly around Suzanne's finger, making it difficult for Suzanne to do much.

But Suzanne didn't worry. She just kept role playing that she was Alan, while also repeatedly using her most soothing voice to urge Susan to relax. At the same time, she took the opportunity to stress that the relaxation of the woman, and her acceptance and sweet surrender to the probing intruder, was the key to any successful anal play for both partners.

Susan was already extremely horny, but in a mellow, blissful kind of way, so more relaxation came easily to her. She just needed a few minutes to grow accustomed to the totally new anal sensations. Even the jet of water on her ass, as nice as it had been, was an entirely different sensation than having a finger in there.

After a few minutes, Suzanne deemed it was time to insert a second finger. That one went in a little bit more easily and with less involuntary muscle clenching, because it was like Susan's entire body had turned to Jell-O already. Susan trusted and loved Suzanne so much that she couldn't have possibly felt any more relaxed, trusting, and safe. She was confident she'd feel the same way when the time came with Alan too.

After several more minutes of Suzanne anally probing her and cooing sweet nothings, Susan was frustrated that she still didn't seem close to an anal orgasm.

Suzanne had to explain, "Look, it's very rare for a woman to experience an orgasm from anal stimulation alone. With us women, orgasms are nearly all about the clitoris. The vast majority of the time when you cum, it's a clitoral orgasm. Some women, I hear about 20 percent, climax during fucking due to stimulation of the G-spot, and that's called a vaginal orgasm. But the G-spot is really kind of the backside of the clit, so again it boils down to the clit. Now, about another 20 percent of women can also climax strictly from breast play alone, and you're obviously one of those. The odds aren't good that you'll be orgasmically blessed there and in the ass too."

"Then how do I cum? I need to cum really bad right now!"

Suzanne continued to plunge two fingers in and out as she explained, "Think of it kind of like vaginal sex: with all the thrusting and rubbing during fucking, the clit gets stimulated and you cum that way. In this case, the anal sex builds you up to a peak of arousal, and then this... pushes you over." Right as Suzanne said "this," she reached around with her other hand and squeezed Susan's clit.

Sure enough, Susan exploded with orgasmic pleasure. Since they were outside and on Suzanne's property to boot, she managed to restrain herself from screaming, but from the way her body trembled all over it was obvious that it had been a good one.

Afterwards, with both of them sitting facing each other on the towel, Susan said, "That was... something! Thank you. Now I won't be so afraid if and when Tiger tries something... there."

"Really? Wow, I'm impressed with your attitude," Suzanne said sincerely. She thought about the countless hours she'd spent talking to Susan before Susan was primed to perform handjobs or blowjobs. She'd been worried she'd have to make a similar effort for anal sex.

"Well, it is still scary and gross. I mean, if there's any kind of icky stuff back there, forget it! I'll clean up with an enema first, thank you very much. And it's kind of wrong and perverted! I mean, that's not what God made that hole for. But on the other hand, if I can't have normal sex with my Tiger, this may be the next best thing. I have to give it a try, I just have to! Perhaps we'll both love it enough, we won't be tempted to use that other hole."

Susan nervously looked down and hunched her shoulders. "It's a risk, but I'm willing to take it for my lover."

Suzanne thought about it. The last thing she wanted was for Susan to use anal sex as a complete substitute for vaginal sex. But she felt pretty confident the opposite would happen, if she kept pushing things along. It seemed that the more comfortable Susan got with sex, the more sex she wanted, and the more sexual variety she enjoyed.

Before Suzanne could respond to that, Susan continued, "But in any case, I don't know if I buy your theory about anal orgasms. Sure, I came right when you touched my clit, but I felt all this tingly excitement in my ass! Like, deep inside! And that was just with your fingers. Imagine if Tiger's big cock was in there instead! I'll bet I could cum that way too."

"Perhaps," Suzanne said reluctantly. "The fact is, both men and women can even cum without any tactile stimulation at all. It's very rare, but it happens. Anything's possible. And our privates are kind of connected down there, sometimes in mysterious ways. For instance, maybe you think it's all the ass, but your G-spot or clit ends up being stimulated in some way too. Heck, there are times when my nipples are touched and it's like my pussy is being touched too. I feel a powerful tingle down there."

"Oooh! Me too!" Susan raised her hand and waved it around, like an overeager student. "In fact, that happens to me ALL the time!"

Suzanne chuckled at Susan's earnest eagerness. "Look, the fact is, when women have anal sex, the vast majority of the time, they end up having a really good, strong climax. I certainly did last night! Maybe how it works varies. But if you're ever close in the middle of anal sex and you want to go over the edge, try the clit. That's what works with me."

"Yeah, but maybe that's just because you're so clitorally minded? You always say that you're extra sensitive down there."

Suzanne grinned lasciviously. "Well, I am a very 'cunt' minded woman, when it comes to sex. But trust me, the clit'll work for any woman."

The two gorgeous mothers continued to hang out by the hot tub and talk about anal sex. By the time they were done, Susan's knowledge on the subject had multiplied many times over. And the more she knew, the less she was afraid. However, she still felt a deep seated taboo for anal sex that could not be easily changed.

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