6 Times a Day

Chapter 757 Susan Brainwashing Suzanne ! ['Someone' Sponsored]

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Suzanne explained, "I am. For instance, I haven't told him one of the great sexual secrets of all time. As much pleasure as he gives us now, he's all about delaying his own orgasms and making us happy through his sheer endurance. He doesn't really need to think beyond that since his endurance is so great. But he could be even better! He knows nothing about delaying women's orgasms and just tries to give women as many orgasms as possible, as soon as possible. Once he learns that fewer but more intense orgasms are much better for a woman, we'll all be twice as addicted to his cock as we already are!"

Susan was surprised, but not in the way Suzanne expected, because she thought back and realized that Alan had most definitely used that method on her already. She smirked knowingly, and said, "Wow, interesting."

Suzanne cocked an eyebrow, because Susan's reaction wasn't what she expected. She looked at her suspiciously. "What?"

Susan innocently asked right back, "What?"

Suzanne laughed. "Girl, you're such a bad liar! 'Wow, interesting' is an obvious dodge. You know something. What is it? If you don't tell me, I'm going to have to tickle it out of you."

Susan grinned at the tickling idea. She realized that she had no chance of keeping her thoughts from Suzanne on this, because she was such a bad liar. "Okay. I have to admit... I'm sure he used that technique on me, and to great affect! He's such a stud!"

Suzanne sat up straight, suddenly very interested. "Wait. Really?! How did I miss this? I thought you always tell me everything when it comes to your adventures with Alan Junior."

"Not everything," Susan said. She stopped actively using the vibrator on Suzanne so she could reminisce. "At least not in great detail. I do have many wonderful sexual adventures, every single day. But that means that some of them slip through the cracks, or I only get to tell you what happened in a general way."

She explained, "For instance, exactly one week ago, I was with Tiger in the kitchen. I remember the day for sure because it was a Tuesday. My favorite day of the week!"

Suzanne laughed. "We all know."

"I was getting breakfast ready in a see-through nightie - you know the purple one? But it went all the way down to my feet. He didn't like that, and one thing led to another, and my clever son somehow outsmarted me yet again. Before I knew it, I was totally nude, and his huge cock was rubbing against my ass!"

She went on, with a big smile due to the fond memory, "I said something about how he was making me so hot that I was worried I was going to cum all over the place. Then I remember his exact reply, because it was so startling and arousing. He said, and I quote, 'Don't worry, that won't happen. Starting right now, you're not allowed to cum until I say so.'"

Suzanne was knocked back with surprise. "Wow! That sounds exactly like the orgasm denial technique."

"Yeah, it was! He proceeded to rub his stiff cock all over my ass, including exploring my ass crack with it, totally driving me wild! I wanted to cum so badly, but I couldn't!"

"How did it end?!"

"I was getting hotter and hotter. Unfortunately, Angel unexpectedly walked in on us, breaking the mood. I even put the nightie back on."

Suzanne stared off into space. "Hmmm. That story sounds familiar. Maybe you did tell it to me. I don't remember the orgasm denial part though."

Susan shyly admitted, "I might have skipped over that because it was kind of embarrassing. I mean, he was playing with me like I was a puppet on a string! Controlling me. Outsmarting me. Goodness gracious, it was SO HOT! I sure hope he does a lot more of that to me!"

Suzanne kept on staring into the distance, pondering. "Hmmm. I wonder... Was that just a one-time fluke, brought on by your comment about how you were worried about cumming, or is that something he knows how to do and uses regularly?"

She went further in her thoughts. I wouldn't be surprised if he knows and he's been using it on his other women. That would help explain his great success with the cheerleaders, since that's pretty much all him and not due to my scheming. I know he's read a fair amount of Internet porn. Maybe he picked it up there? Or maybe he just stumbled onto it.

I can understand how he hasn't used it on me yet though. Even with all his sexual bravado lately, I'm pretty sure I'm still somewhat intimidating to him. He's not used to giving me orders, like telling me not to cum. Which is a shame. We could reach even greater sexual highs if we BOTH let go of our inhibitions.

Susan let Suzanne be while she was clearly busy pondering. She figured the question Suzanne asked out loud was rhetorical. But she finally spoke up to ask, "How does the technique work, in your experience? If you explain it in detail, I could tell you if he's done it to me other times. Is it more complicated than what I just described?"

Suzanne refocused back on her best friend. "Oh, not really. It's quite simple. Surprisingly though, very few of my lovers ever seemed to know how to do it, or at least do it right. Just imagine that you're all ready to cum due to something he's doing, and then he stops, but he teases you just enough to keep you on the edge. You ask him to cum, but he says no, not yet. And then you're reaching a higher level and he stops you right on the verge again. You're begging, pleading to cum, but he says no again. Eventually, you're in desperate straits and practically dying to cum, but he STILL says no! So you somehow hold back, against the odds, struggling with all your might to hold out. It just keeps ratcheting up and up until he finally lets you go and you both explode into the greatest mutual climax of your life!"

Susan was impressed. "Oh my! Oh my word! That sounds... incredible! He started to do that to me, but unfortuately he didn't get very far. I can't wait until he takes me all the way to the end!"

Suzanne chuckled. "Yeah, well, don't wish for it quite so much. It's great in the end, but it's torturous getting there. It's not something you'd want every day, believe me. But on a different note, you seem to still remember what happened to you a full week ago in surprising detail. You even quoted him exactly. Do you remember all of your sexual encounters that well?"

Susan replied, "Pretty much. It helps that I make a point to remember the details, so I can tell you all about what happened later. Plus, lately I've been telling Brenda most everything, and sometimes Angel and I share too. But that's not all. I have so much time on my own, as you know, especially when the kids are at school. To help pass the time, you'd be surprised how often I like to replay some of my favorite sexual encounters with him in my mind."

Suzanne asked, "So you have your 'greatest hits?' The extra special times that you can't stop thinking of?"

"I do, for sure. But I don't want to overplay those, or they'll lose some of their charm. Luckily, I have so very many great memories to choose from already, with more new ones coming every single day. It's such a heady time, being a big-titted mommy slut! And yeah, sometimes the details get foggy after a while, but that's okay because I can fill in the gaps with my imagination. In fact, sometimes I go off into fantasies of how I wish the scene would have gone, and that's even better!"

Suzanne chuckled. "You're so adorable. I love your enthusiasm. Maybe I should spend more mental energy savoring my past experiences with him."

"Oh, definitely! Don't you have fun sharing your experiences with me?"

"Sure. I treasure our new daily storytelling tradition."

Susan frowned as something occurred to her. "Speaking of sharing, I thought we shared everything. Why are you keeping important sexual secrets like that from me?"

Suzanne answered honestly, "I wasn't keeping that secret from you, I was keeping it from him. It's something he would have to initiate for it to work right. You couldn't tell him, 'Now, order me not to cum.'"

Susan chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

"Furthermore, keep in mind that we've started down a very long road. In my future vision, I see us being sexually intimate with him for years to come. Don't you?"

"Oh, definitely! If he'll have us, that is."

"He will, don't worry. He's no fool. But my point is, you don't want or need to learn absolutely everything the first week or month. It's good if there are new firsts and little surprises along the way. Also, it's usually more fun when you learn things on your own. I could empty my sexual bag of tricks right now and tell you absolutely everything I can think of mentioning. I'll be glad to do that if you want, but do you really want me to?"

Susan carefully considered that. She said, "I see what you mean. I guess not. If you'd have asked me that a couple of weeks ago, I would have said yes, because I worry about not being talented enough for him. For a while, I was running almost entirely on sheer enthusiasm. But I'm mostly over that worry. I don't mean to boast, but I think I'm getting to be a pretty talented cocksucker."please visit panda-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ1.co)m

"You sure are," Suzanne replied with a smile. "It's amazing how quickly you've improved. Now, you have technique AND passion. Before long, I'm going to have to struggle to keep up with you!"

They both chuckled at that, because it was so very unlikely. If nothing else, Suzanne had a built in advantage Susan could never have: her exceedingly long tongue.

Susan basked in Suzanne's praise of her cocksucking skills. Now that serving her son's cock had become such an important part of her life and her identity, that meant the world to her.

Suzanne went on, "So I think you're in agreement with me that sharing tips is nice sometimes, but it's good to leave secrets to be discovered later too. I hope that, ten years from now, we'll STILL be learning new things to do with him."

Susan nodded. She broke into a big smile, picturing herself and Suzanne jointly sucking on his cock in ten years' time.

Suzanne then said, "As for why I kept that particular secret from him, it's complicated. I guess it's partly what we're talking about, not using up every surprise so fast. But for that one, it's mostly because, I guess, I'm still afraid. I'm afraid of losing control, as well as giving in completely. What happened to me last night was an accident. It's a very submissive thing, giving him control over when you cum and when you can't. It rankles me to know how much I desperately need him already."

Susan said, "I understand how you feel about that, because you're you, the mighty Suzanne. I think of you giving orders, not taking them. But as for me, it sounds nothing but wonderful! How do I give him a subtle hint that he needs to tell me not to cum more often?"

They both chuckled.

Suzanne said, "We'll work on that. Maybe I can drop a hint to him on your behalf."

"Please do!"

Suzanne nodded. Then something occurred to her. "Hey! Now that I think about it, you can't exactly say I never told you about this. Remember a few days back, I think it was last Thursday. I was using orgasm denial on Brenda, but I had to leave and I had you take over."

Susan thought back. "Oh yeah! I told her, 'I have permission to let you cum, but only... eventually.' That was fun!"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "See? I'm not trying to keep anything from you to maintain a sexual edge. We're best friends, and we're united in our love for our special guy. When these things come out in a natural way, it's better than trying to force them. But let's get back to the real question: me and him fucking."

Susan removed the vibrator from Suzanne's pussy long enough to up the setting to a more active twitching, then plunged it back in. "Give in, Suzanne. Give in to him completely, body and soul. You won't regret it. He may just be a teenager, but he instinctively knows how to keep all of his women happy. That's why he deserves such a large harem, and that's why he draws big-titted, fuck-hungry, sexy babes to him like bees to honey."

That reply made Suzanne extremely squishy, but she tried to deny the connection between the words and the moisture between her legs. She was especially annoyed at how exciting it sounded to be just another big-titted fuck toy in Alan's harem.

She tried to change the topic, but before she could, she had a vision of being naked on all fours before Alan once again, only this time there were chains between her ankles, more chains between her wrists, high heels, and a dog collar around her neck. More disturbingly, there were many other females decked out exactly the same as she was, and Alan paced back and forth in front of them all, trying to choose who he'd fuck next. Her main emotion was pride: pride at the large size and high quality of his harem, and pride at being worthy of inclusion in it.

She immediately pushed the disturbing vision out of her mind, and thought, I'm NEVER going to let that happen to me, so help me God! This talking with Susan is warping my mind, like talking to a bunch of cult members. The only problem is, I started the cult and now, ironically, it's coming back to bite me in the ass. Talk about a scheme being far too wildly successful.

After a very long pause, Suzanne figured out how to spin Susan's response to her advantage. "Getting back to my question, if I give myself to him completely, doesn't that naturally include my pussy too?"

"All right, I'll tell you what. I'll let him fuck you, but only if you let yourself completely let go. Emotionally, physically, everything. Forget all about dignity and fairness. Let him fuck you just like you're his personal fuck toy!"

"I can do that," Suzanne said excitedly. "At the very least, I'll try my best! I swear it!" She actually liked the idea of completely letting go, even if she had issues with the "fuck toy" language.

But Susan added, "Oh, and one more thing. You can have your try just as soon as you fuck Amy. We can even make it a double header, one after the other."

Even though she tried to hide it, Susan had a certain amount of competitive jealousy towards Suzanne, not to mention possessiveness towards Alan. So she created conditions that she knew Suzanne would find difficult to meet.

Suzanne was shocked and disturbed. "But she's my flesh and blood!"

Susan left the vibrator in Suzanne, but pressed herself closely to her so their nipples touched. "So what! If Tiger wants you to do it, and wants to watch it, are you going to ignore his wishes? Will you deny him anything? The man who lets you suck his cock so often?"

Suzanne consciously decided not to attempt to answer those questions, even to herself. She vaguely remembered how cocksucking was supposed to be more pleasurable for the man on the receiving end than the woman doing all the work, but in her current horny state she had a hard time imagining how that could be possible. It seemed to her that sucking Alan's cock was just about the highest honor and privilege she could be given, short of actual intercourse.

She found herself losing control, like she had done the night before, but this time she was frightened by the realization. She fought back by recalling their mundane, suburban existence, focusing on the details of the vegetation around them, trying to mentally name as many of the plants as she could.

That helped somewhat. She also turned her attention to their conversation, saying, "Anyway, it shouldn't be up to me. Amy is his official girlfriend, so the two of them need to agree to it first."

Both women were mashing each other's boobs by this point, pressing them together, sliding them around on the suntan lotion coating, and rubbing nipples against other nipples. They were intensely excited by all the talk about the possibility of getting fucked by Alan. Suzanne practically forgot that she was already fucking him and was merely looking to be able to do it openly.

Susan replied, "Two can play that game. In that case, you need to get Amy's permission before he fucks you. Since she is his girlfriend."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Suzanne thought out loud. Somehow, the urge to lose all control passed, though she remained remarkably aroused.

Susan remained oblivious to Suzanne's inner battle. She privately wondered if Amy might not try to get something in return. However, she kept this thought to herself and said, "Well then, soon he'll be fucking you. And then things will be a bit closer to how God planned it."

Suzanne found herself nodding, even though she didn't buy the God mention, and replied, "Well, soon he'll be deep inside you too. Like I said, once he puts it in you there, he'll never take it out again. He'll have to go to school dragging your naked ass in front of him every day. His thick cock will be permanently stuck in you! I can just see him saying to his tennis coach, 'Um, coach, can I get an exemption from playing tennis today? As you can see, my rock-hard dick is still stuck in my mother's cunt.'"

Susan cried out, "That's so sexy! Ooooh, it makes me so squishy. Kiss me!" She grasped the still-buzzing vibrator lodged most of the way inside Suzanne's slit and resumed manually thrusting it in and out while her tongue dueled with Suzanne's.

Needless to say, Susan and Suzanne had another very fun morning. Alan would have been glad to know that they fucked each other to complete exhaustion.

But somewhat surprisingly, even though Susan both licked another woman's pussy and had her pussy licked for the first time yesterday, with Akami, she still hadn't done either of those things with Suzanne, and she still didn't initiate them with her yet, even though they had so much sexual time with each other.

Susan was looking forward to it, very much, but she felt the time wasn't right. She wanted their first time doing that to each other a special memory for the ages. The main problem was that she still had her first ass fuck so prominently in her mind that she worried she couldn't be completely in the moment with Suzanne.

Suzanne knew what happened with Akami, and she was eager. But she figured it was best to let Susan set the pace. So she didn't mention it at all or try to get something started.

However, Susan felt increasing pressure anyway, because she knew her period would be starting soon. She calculated that her "glow" from the anal sex would fade as the day went on, and the ideal time for them could before the day came to an end.

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