The metallic bathroom door slid open as Lee Seng stepped out of it. He dried his hair with the towel on his head as he sat on his bed. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand. He made his way to the Academy app and looked for the extracurricular tab. He scrolled through the list, browsing for anything interesting.
"They have a lot of stuff to do." Lee Seng whispered. He continued to dry his hair with one hand as the other scrolled through the list. He eventually found the student adventurer thing and clicked on it.
Student Adventurer
The Numbers Academy has partnered with the Adventurer's Association to bring you great opportunities! The Student Adventurer is an exclusive opportunity for any students who wish to get an early start on their Adventuring career.
The Student Adventurer is an opportunity for students to get an early head start in their Adventuring career. Choose one of the many big guild names around Capitol City and ready yourself for an opportunity to gain Guild experience!
Students can sign up with the link below (or inquire at the front office of their Academic building). Any AA Guilds participating in the Student Adventurer collaboration will be listed for you to research and prep for the interview process.
If you would like more detailed information on the Adventurer's Association x Numbers Academy collaboration, click here.
If you would like a list of participating AA Guilds, please click here.
Any questions? Contact Gladys Evermore at
Ready to sign up? Click here.
Lee Seng's finger hovered over the guild list. He had a feeling he knew what guilds would probably show up, but that only made him more excited.
"What if Akio's guild shows up…?" Lee Seng whispered. "Do I try to get in with my older brother's company…?" He sighed and clicked the button. "If his guild is in here, I'll apply for it. I'm pretty sure I'll have to choose multiple places and see where that takes me." His eyes moved back onto the screen.
AA Guilds
The list has been updated on July 19, 2020
These are currently all of the Guilds that are accepting students. Please keep in mind, you must sign up through this link. Please remember you can choose up to three guilds of your choosing. It doesn't mean you will get an offer from these guilds. *Any guilds willing to take a student based on your initial background information. It doesn't secure you a spot within the guild. You still have to go through the interview process.
"They're thorough." Lee Seng sighed. He scrolled further down and started to read the guild names. "Astro, Tempest, Crown, Fulmin, Knights, and Penumbra. So, Akio's guild is here." Lee Seng's finger tapped on Penumbra and it brought up information on the guild. He scrolled through it, not really reading it. He knew about Akio's guild but always wondered how his brother ever had time for him as a CEO, Founder and Number.
"You're crazy." Lee Seng shook his head. "I guess I'll put Penumbra as my first choice… In terms of the biggest three guilds, I should try for Astro and Tempest. If I can successfully get into those then I can secure a place with a top notch guild…" Lee Seng's head tilted as the towel fell onto the side of his bed. "Astro, Tempest, and Penumbra are the top three guilds in Capitol City. Fulmin and Knights are relatively new but they have great guild members. The closest one near here would be… Tempest. If I get into Penumbra, that means I have to travel two hours… Ugh, why's deciding what to do hard?"
Lee Seng placed his phone onto the nightstand to his right and grabbed the towel. He continued to dry his hair while he thought about the options. His body shimmered and out came Keng. Keng manifested himself in his humanoid form, casually crossing his naked body.
"You're still deciding?" Keng smiled. "You must really want this."
"Mmm and we gotta work on shapeshifting so we can shapeshift clothes onto you." Lee Seng waved his hand. Keng moved off the bed and opened the closet. He slipped on shorts and turned around with his hands up like he was saying "there, you happy?"
"Even if you did get to interview, you'd still have to go through two interview processes and a training simulation before you're even in the clear." Keng sat on the bed and sighed. His twin tails swayed off the bed.
"Mmm, the chances are slim. Plus, even if I do get in, I'm not even guaranteed to do actual monster hunting missions. Mostly volunteer work that no one wants to do so they give it to the students for some extra cash." Lee Seng shrugged.
"And this is fine if you do it?" Keng leaned forward, arms on both of his ankles. Lee Seng stared at his counterpart. The two of them could pass as twins with the difference in hair color. Lee Seng's hair was mostly brown with blonde highlights. His hair was getting long and the black roots were starting to show, again. Keng's version of himself had white hair for the most part with two strands of red and blue. He reminded him of some sort of anime show Akio used to watch on his off time.
"Are you even listening to me?" Keng snapped his fingers in front of Lee Seng's face. Lee Seng snapped out of his observant thoughts.
"What?" Lee Seng asked. "Repeat that?" His humanoid spirit animal sighed and shook his head. He leapt onto Lee Seng and pinned him onto the bed and gave him a wicked smile. His eyes sparkled with mischievous intent.
"You space out too much. You observe too much around you. That's why your senses always get overloaded." Keng told him. "For someone who can hear quite well… You have the worst hearing, ever." Lee Seng tried to shake Keng off of him but realized Keng had the same attributes as he did. Keng released Lee Seng and watched as Lee Seng quickly rose and shoved him away. "Careful, I might fall."
"Shut up. You and I are the same. You won't fall from some measly push." Lee Seng frowned. He was starting to pout and Keng could only snicker. "You wanna die?" Lee Seng slipped into Japanese.
"No, I don't." Keng responded. "Sorrrrry! You're just so uptight sometimes!"
"No I'm not." Lee Seng slipped back into English.
"And you like to act cute like a little kid when you're pouting."
"No I don't!" Lee Seng pushed Keng hard and watched as Keng began to roll backwards. Keng extended his tails out and flipped himself onto his feet with ease.
"Be quiet before you make someone think you're crazy." Keng reminded him. Lee Seng snatched his phone and clicked the application. Keng slowly climbed on the end of the bed, again and watched the real humanoid work.
"I'm going to try Penumbra, Astro and Tempest. I would be happy if I got into one of the big three but I'm not opposed to one of the newer ones." Lee Seng told Keng.
"You think they'll overlook your publicity stunts?" Keng asked. Lee Seng stopped typing. Keng watched as the humanoid young man's eyes softened for a moment. He watched Lee seng's eyes slowly come back to normal and his typing resumed.
"I hope they'll overlook it."
"A person's publicity is everything, right? If an adventurer got into some sort of scandal, it would drag the guild down, wouldn't it?"
"Why do you have to remind me of this?" Lee Seng released the phone into his lap and looked up. "You tryna say I won't be able to get into one?"
"All I'm saying is you should control your temper and lower your expectations."
"If I don't get into any of the guilds then I'll just continue doing what I've been doing."
"And that's…?"
"Training early with you, continuing Academy life and maybe getting a part-time job somewhere around here." Lee Seng grabbed his phone and continued typing. Silence fell between the both of them as Keng nodded his head. "I will become an adventurer no matter what. Even if they all deny me, I'll find a way." Keng sighed and nodded. He got off the bed and paced around the room. He gave the young man the space he needed. Keng already knew what Lee Seng needed because he had watched and experienced everything Lee Seng went through before his own eyes.
The oasis popped in his head and shimmered. The Fox mask man popped up in Keng's head and he sighed. He turned to face his humanoid counterpart.
"Lee." Keng softly spoke.
"What?" Lee Seng asked, annoyed. When Keng didn't immediately respond, he looked up from his phone. "What?"
"There's some business we must attend to." Keng spoke. He could see his father beckoning him back into the Spirit realm.
"We? What business?" Lee Seng started to stand. Keng moved over and grabbed Lee Seng's hand.
"I think he wants to talk to us." Keng quietly spoke.
"He? Who?"
"The Fox mask man. My father? You remember?" Keng raised his eyebrows. Lee Seng nodded.
"Where? In my spirit?"
"Something like that but… further."
"Further? Where?"
"You'll know when we get there. We have to enter your Spirit first and then we can move over. You'll understand what I mean when you see it. Come." Keng's body flashed and the shorts dropped to the ground. Lee Seng sighed and looked around.
"Why does his dad want to talk to us now?" Lee Seng asked. He moved to lie on the bed as his body began to shimmer. He sighed as his head hit the pillow and he was gone.
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