God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss

Chapter 318 CH 303: HI! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?

As Adam walked out of the bathroom, he recalled that some new and clean clothes had been placed outside of the bedroom by some of Shuri's servants.

He had observed the old woman place the clothes outside while constantly giving a look filled with absolute bewilderment toward the door.

It was funny in a way. But it also highlighted the fact that Shuri had no intention of keeping their relationship a secret from others.

At least not inside her own house, that is.

Moreover, Adam did not really want to go to his University with his Gigolo clothes. So it was alright with him that she had prepared a change of clothes for him.

Taking the simple pair of jeans and the typical black shirt, he ruffled his hair and walked out of the house with a steady stride. Some of the servants would throw strange looks at him, while some would blush and swoon at his appearance and thoughts of what they had heard the previous night. Clearly, it seemed to him that they had heard a part of what happened during his tryst with Shuri the previous night.

'Well. Shuri must have been feeling extremely awkward in the morning.'

Laughing silently to himself, he finally left the vicinity of Shuri's home and was about to levitate away when he was stopped by the sight of a woman wearing a typical black-themed bodyguard uniform with a calm and serene expression on her face.

He immediately recognized her to be Shuri's secretary and bodyguard. The one that had been driving her during the accident he had stopped back then.

He had quite a good impression of her and from the color of her emotions that he immediately read using his abilities, he knew that she was not trying to disturb him at the moment.

"The Lady told me to drive you to school if you wished."


He could fly at the speed of sound. Reaching school in minutes was not much of a problem for him.


"Why not. I will be in your care then."

He agreed readily to his lover's goodwill. He could use the drive to think up some things that he had been putting off. After all, flying was so thought-consuming that all his three minds had to work in tandem with utmost precision and calculation to make it work smoothly.

It was another thing he needed to work on. After all, he could not really fly at high speeds and fight at the same time, or rather, it was actually possible for him to do both with his current capabilities. But he sacrificed too much of either side and the lack of smoothness in flight was a pain in the proverbial arse to deal with.

'Would be cool if I could receive some lessons on aerial combat from someone.'

Perhaps he would try to see if he could find books regarding this theme in the bronze section once he visited the Library.

It didn't seem anything extraordinary or too out of the norm to him, so it could possibly work out if he just sought the help of Eve.

"Very well. Please follow me."

With her indication, asking him to follow her, the secretary began to walk ahead with brisk steps and he followed behind on cue. Her back was straight and her steps were steady and rhythmic without an ounce of extra movements.

Adam had enough experience in combat to realize by now that her hands never left her right side and that she would occasionally sweep the zone with her eyes to search for any threats.

She was clearly quite experienced and was making sure to protect him with each passing second.

After finally reaching the car, with Adam being asked to sit in the back, the first few minutes of the drive were silent and serene.

Adam was more focused on trying to see just how much he would be able to accomplish with his power over [Death]...

He was a necromancer now that he wielded this power. Or at least it seemed like he was.

While true resurrection seemed impossible for now and even bringing souls needed a considerable price, what if he tried something much simpler?

Like bringing up zombies or skeleton soldiers? This was perhaps the most basic of the basics when it came to necromancy.

Furthermore, Necromancy or things related to the undead have been existing in the media forever. So there was a high chance that, like vampires and other creatures of fantasy, there were necromancers out in the world too.

But how did they do it?

Did they have a skill like [Death]? He really doubted the chances of that being the case. But it was something worth investigating, he thought idly in his mind.

Finally… There was one thing he wanted to try out in the future. Something he had not even talked about with Cecilia yet in fear of giving her false hope.

Since he could bring back the soul of the dead. What were the actual limits beyond simply paying a price?

Did it only work on the recently deceased? Or did it apply even to those who died long ago? Far too long even…I think you should take a look at pandasnovel.com

Did he need a part of their bodies? or a memento?

What if he brought the soul of the Dead Heroes back to life?

Or what if… He tried to bring back 'her' soul…?

'Don't get too excited. Keep calm…'

There were too many unknowns about his recent power currently.

'After I deal with university and the problem related to Shuri… I will visit a cemetery.'

It seemed like it was time for him to become a tomb raider or something of the sort.



Adam stopped his own inner jokes when he was called by the bodyguard cum secretary of Shuri. She still had her eyes on the road as she talked to him with a curt tone.

"I have been serving the Lady for years now. I believe I have known her even before she married."

"I see…"

"I know that she has not been very happy recently. But there was sadly nothing I could do for her. After all, I am just a bodyguard while also serving as a personal secretary when it's possible. There is a limit in our relationship that I cannot break."

Her voice was calm and Adam listened to her with a somber expression.

"Today though, for the first time in a long while, I saw the Lady smiling as if all the clouds in the sky vanished and the entire world was filled with sunlight, at least in her eyes."

She chuckled under her breath before adding with the same calm tone.

"So, please. I know I am overstepping my bounds and am seriously out of line here… But please, Take care of her."

Adam could feel the deep loyalty and adoration this woman had for Shuri and this made him smile.

"I will."

No more words were exchanged until she left him in front of the university.

He knew very well that his words alone did not manage to alleviate all her fears and worries. But he also knew that action spoke louder than words.

As selfish as it may be of him, Shuri was now his. He had no intention of even hesitating about that fact and as long as she decided to be with him, he would make sure to give his all to protect her with his everything.

'Well… Not like I will let her go even if she wishes to though.'

He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as he scattered those dark thoughts along with the east wind and focused on the present.

He was now back on his campus after two weeks of playing hooky.

This was quite a refreshing feeling if he thought so himself.

Though now, he had one small problem to take care of.


He sighed and turned around, "Hi Steve. How have you been?"

pandasnovel.com This was going to be both interesting and headache-inducing, he thought.

But it was also necessary. The poor boy seemed completely lost.

(AN: Mhm. Starting a little slow. The main heroine of vol 7 will be Natasha. Poor girl need more love. After that it will be France.

For those who read the dummy prologue, you can take another look, it was edited and replaced with the actual chapter.

Finally welcome everyone and let's follow our dear Adam)

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