Chapter 1108 -1107


The thunder Javelin went right through the Queen’s chest and killed her in one single blow.

All the Guards that surrounded Anon got shocked and so suprised that they couldn’t even move from their positions.

Sweat started breaking down from their foreheads as they didn’t knew what they should to do next.

The ruler of the kingdom was dead and they were in the middle of the chaos.

“FUCKING HELL…” Kaelthara shouted in a loud voice as a wide smile appeared over her face and she got excited all of a sudden.

“M-M-M-M-My Queen ?” Kira asked as she looked at her dead corpse hanging over the wall.

“What’s wrong with you ? Why are you shouting so loudly ?” Anon asked with a confused expression as he looked at Kaelthara.

“Are you fucking kidding me ? You killed the Queen of an inner kingdom in just one fucking blow.

You are a fucking monster and I don’t know why, but I can feel that I want to breed some children with you.

They must’ve many empty rooms in this castle, wanna go and have some children making sex ?” Kaelthara spoke as she immediately started to open her pants.

“I don’t have the time to fuck bitches in heat, right now. I have another kingdoms on my hands.” Anon spoke with a serious expression as he started walking towards the dead Queen’s corpse.

“Believe me… Your sharp red eyes and those cruel words coming out of your powerful mouth are making my body tingle even more.” Kaelthara spoke as she squeezed her boobs and got even more horny.

As Anon passed through the guards, they felt the sense of inferiority… It was as if, Anon was the only power in room that they should listen to right now or they won’t see the next sunrise.

“H-H-He killed the Queen… Who will rule now ? The mages will leave the kingdom and families will be destroyed.” Kirea spoke with a serious expression as thousands of thoughts ran through her mind.

“But… You will rule the kingdom. Just like he said, you will be the new Queen of this kingdom from tomorrow.” Kaelthara spoke as she walked upto kira.

“What ?” Kira asked with a shocked expression as she looked at Kaelthara.

“Yeah… Right, Mr. Anon ?” Kaelthara asked with a smile as she asked Anon.

“Yes, Luv… You will be the next Queen.” Anon replied as he started drawing a magical circle over the ground.

“B-But… I-I can’t just tell people like that I am the Queen now because the last one died, no one will believe me. I will be thrown in the jail for killing the Queen.” Kira replied with a worried expression.

“See, I knew she is genius…” Anon spoke with a smile as he completed the magic circle and pulled her corpse down from the wall and placed it over the magic circle.

“What’s the problem with telling people that he killed the Queen and he is making you the Queen now.

I mean he has the power to make everyone bend down.” Kaelthara asked kira as she pointed towards Anon.

“No, No… Sir is in a hurry, I can tell from their body language and all these guards have seen it, so they will tell everyone about this.

If I need to become a legitimate Queen-“

“You will need to be the daughter of the Royal Blood and the throne must be passed down to you by the original Queen, because if this news gets out that your Queen has died… People will start to think that the Kingdom is weak and they will start to leave.” Anon completed her sentence as he started supplying mana into the circle.

“Y-Yes.” Kira replied with a neutral but scared expression.

“But… The Queen is dead, how will she passed down the throne to-“

“Oh my…” Kira spoke as her eyes widened in fear and shock.


She started stepping back as she looked up.

“What happen- Fucking… Hell.” Kaelthara looked up and her eyes also widened in shock and surprise.

The Queen that just died is now standing besides Anon, completely naked.

“Wear these clothes.” Anon ordered as he threw her the old sets of clothes that she was wearing.

“Yes, Master.” The Queen’s clone spoke as it moved forward and wore the torn clothes.

“How the fuck did you bring her back to life ? Can you do this with my dad too ?” Kaelthara asked with a serious expression as she looked at Anon.

“This is not her… It’s ughh… I can’t explain it. It’s not her, just understand that. It’s not even alive… So don’t get attached to her.

She will hold a big announcement ceremony tomorrow and announce some things to the whole kingdom.

Like, For the first thing… She will announce that she will be adopting you as her foster daughter and in the next ten days, She will pass the throne to you.

After that you will become the new Queen, You will kill her and tell everyone that she was ill from a mysterious disease, that’s it.

After that… You can do whatever you want, but you will stay under the rule of Vermin kingdom.” Anon explained.

“The outer kingdom ?” Kira asked with a confused expression.

“Yes, but don’t tell about this to anyone or they will start to consider you an inferior kingdom.” Anon replied.

“A-As you command, My King.” Kira spoke as she grabbed the tips of her dress and bowed down to Anon in an official manner showing her undying loyalty.

“What about these fuck faces ? They’ve seen the whole thing with their eyes… What do we do with them ?” Kaelthara asked with a confused expression.

“You will have to do some maid work after this…” Anon spoke with an evil smile as he used his skill.

<Command of the Sea King>

“Would you all be kind enough to kill yourselves ?” Anon spoke with a smile and all the guards immediately followed his orders.

Outside the Castle…

Anon and Kaelthara are walking with a neutral expression on their faces…

“Why did you make kira drink your blood ?” Kaelthara asked with a confused expression.

“You won’t understand… Just grab me tightly. I have 13 more kingdoms left.” Anon spoke with a neutral expression as he got ready for the jump.




In the next 20 minutes, Anon went to each kingdom and made every single king and Queen surrender to him.

Those who didn’t listen and tried to fight back, were either killed immediately or given a punishment so horrible that even death would look good in front of them.

Six Kings and Queens were killed and replaced by their sons or daughters in just 20 minutes…

All of them swore their loyalty to Anon and vowed never to betray him, not even in death.

After capturing the middle ring kingdoms, Anon made his way to the core ring kingdoms.

The rulers of the core ring were strong, they put up a good fight against Anon… But most of them died in just second exchanges.

They were also replaced with their sons and daughters. One of the king had no sons or daughters… Henceforth, Anon created a clone out of him and left him to serve his duty.

Anon and Kaelthara are now sitting over the last Kingdom’s wall and looking at the moon…

“You know… What you have done tonight will be written in the history of our world right ?” Kaelthara asked with a smile.

“I don’t really care.” Anon replied with a neutral expression.

“You have taken over the whole world basically… Do you know how big of an achivement this is ?” Kaelthara asked with a smile.

“Tell me…” Anon asked with a smile as he summoned a Cigar.

“I mean, you can just go to any kingdom and do whatever you want. You can just grab any girl, rape her in the middle of the road and be okay with it.

No one will say anything to you. I don’t think a man like you even exist in the first place… You hold too much power in your hands and yet use none.” Kaelthara spoke with a smile.

“I don’t want to use it… I just want to fuck every single girl in every position possible. If you have something else to ask, ask it now… I have about 8 minutes left before I disappear.” Anon replied with a Perverted smile.

“Will I ever seen you again ? Tell me truthfully…” Kaelthara asked with a confused smile.

“You will, but I thought you will ask me to fuck you.” Anon replied with a neutral expression.

“Oh… We can do that as well, if you want.” Kaelthara spoke as she immediately started undressing.

“No, No… I don’t like sex done in hurry. I like to enjoy it, Slowly.” Anon replied with a Perverted smile.

“I don’t mind… Just give me your thick white cun and you will meet your sons, next time.” Kaelthara spoke with a smile as she undressed completely and started twerking her ass-cheeks in front of Anon.

“Fuck it… Come here.” Anon spoke as he immediately removed his clothes as well.

“Hahahaha… These will be the best eight minutes of my life.” Kaelthara shouted.

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