Chapter 51: All Planned

The cleverness of the Inferno Tyrant in utilizing its active skill, Infernal Presence to disrupt the team's momentum and cooperation prompted Xu Feng to realize his underestimation of its intelligence.

'They might be nerfed currently, but it seems like their battle instinct hasn't decreased at all.' He concluded, feeling the need to re-evaluate the monsters in the Divine World.

When pressured well enough, these monsters could sometimes regain their battle instinct and put up a strong resistance.

"The intense heat is affecting all of us." Gentle Wind smiled bitterly when her spells were either fizzled out mid-air or missed the target.

Only one-third of her spells managed to land on the target, but even then, the damage was greatly diminished.

Despite that, her situation was actually greater than the rest, with some of them even missing their spells completely.

As everyone's struggle became more apparent, Xu Feng's pressure increased tremendously. Clearly, everyone was now expecting him to make a response.

'Isn't this just forcing me to showcase more?' He smiled bitterly. The situation seemed grim, but it wasn't unsalvageable.

After all, if he didn't anticipate all the different types of scenarios, then he wouldn't have even bothered attempting this raid.

However, the problem was he didn't want to show off too much. The more he showed off, the more attention he would receive, and by that time, the excuses and lies he came up with would be exposed sooner or later.

No lies would be able to last too long if you have to use many more lies to cover up the initial one.

Faking a cough, Xu Feng turned to Autumn Breeze and asked, "Do you have any Lesser Elementalists that are of Ice or Water element?"

Surprised, Autumn Breeze took a brief second before nodding her head. "Yes, I have a Water Elementalist, but not ice yet."

She was surprised mainly because she didn't think he would ask such a basic question. Given his expertise so far, she thought he would have known about her skills tree.

Naturally, Xu Feng also knew she only had Water Elementalist, but to lessen his capability, he forced himself to ask such basic questions.

"Alright, summon the Water Elementalist and have them go toward these locations." He instructed, informing her of the specific coordination.

"But will it work?" Autumn Breeze raised an eyebrow. "The heat is too intense, and my Water Elementalist is barely capable of withstanding the heat before it gets vaporized."

"It's either if you can do it or you can't." Xu Feng changed his tone, turning into a strict commander.

Stunned by the change of tone, Autumn Breeze realized she had asked too much. Without delaying it further, she waved her wand and summoned three Water Elementalists, controlling them to head toward the coordinates that Xu Feng had listed out.

And with no surprises, the Water Elementalists were vaporized by the intense heat after 10 seconds.

Just when Gentle Wind and Autumn Breeze began to wonder about his actions, Xu Feng suddenly yelled out a retreat.

"Split into three teams, with 2 tanks going with 2 Sorcerers. Clerics are divided into one team each at the vaporized area!"

"There's two extra tanks in that case." Gentle Wind quickly calculated.

"The extra two tanks will be in the center, as well as Autumn Breeze. We are going to be the frontal core." He explained in a heartbeat.

With the new arrangement, the members quickly coordinated to their best effort.

1 Berserker and 1 Gun Knight were situated on the left side, along with 1 Cleric and 2 Sorcerers.

And on the right side, 1 Berserker and 1 Knight Lancer was the tank, along with the 1 Cleric and 2 Sorcerers.

Meanwhile, in the center, the remaining 2 Berserkers, 2 Gun Knights, 1 Knight Lancer, Autumn Breeze as the Summoner, Gentle Wind along with another timid female Sorcerer.

Xu Feng stood behind them, mainly because they believed he was the weakest one, and he was too lazy to even try to explain that he was not some weak healer.

In total, the 19 of them were now coordinated into a strategic position, with the remaining member, Steelshot, who was probably still wailing at his miserable fate in the passage.

A few seconds later, the members were somewhat confused initially by the position Xu Feng told them to go. But upon arriving at the position, they finally realized the pressure of the Infernal Presence had diminished.

Although not by much, their original pressure had indeed lessened because of Autumn Breeze's skill, effectively countering the intense heat emitted by the boss.

However, what made it frightening was their current position now was quite ideal in attacking the boss.

With so many different positions, it would prove difficult for the boss to target them all in one attack.

'Wait a minute, if we can split off to make it difficult for the boss to target us, then why didn't we do so from the start?' Autumn Breeze began pondering over the reasoning.

Suddenly, she recalled the time when the Inferno Tyrant retaliated in response to their offense with Fiery Retaliation.

'If we had been split off by that time, then we would have suffered immense casualties.' She felt a sudden chill upon realizing how intimidating and strategically-minded Xu Feng was.

The Fiery Retaliation from the boss was deadly, and if it weren't for the fact that they stood together and defended simultaneously, a lot of them would have mostly died.

"He had it all planned…" She mumbled, having no choice but to admit Xu Feng's foresight and insight was far superior to theirs. The look she had for Xu Feng changed completely from their initial meeting.

Meanwhile, Xu Feng felt like crying when he could sense the deep stare that Autumn Breeze had. Given she was a Summoner, and not supposed to be near the front, she stood next to him, albeit further to the left.

Thus, he could sense it and wanted nothing more than to beat the Inferno Tyrant to a pulp.

All of his arrangements were slowly coming to light one after another because of his sudden battle instinct.

'Why can't you just accept your death peacefully? It's not like you won't respawn when another challenger comes in!' Xu Feng clenched his fist.

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